Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Verify the items exists in Drop down box

Public Function fnVerifyDroDownItems(objDropdown,strItemsToSearch)

Dim intItemsCount,intCounter,strItem,bInItemPresent
Dim arrItemsToSerach

fnVerifyDropDownItems = True

If (objDropdown.Exist = False) then micFail,"The Dropdown box '" & objDropdown.GetROProperty("name") & "' should Exist", "The Dropdown Box does not exist", "FAIL")
Exit Function
End If

// Get count of items in dropdown //
intItemsCount = objDropdown.GetTOProperty("items count")

// Split the list items list based on comma(,)//

arrItemsToSearch = Split(strItemsToSearch, ",")
For intItems=0 to UBound(arrItemsToSearch)
blnItemPresent = False

// Loop through all items //

For intCounter=1 to intItemsCount
strItem = ""

// Get an item //

strItem = objDropdown.GetItem(intCounter)

// If the search item is present //

If (StrComp(Trim(strItem), Trim(arrItemsToSearch(intItems)), 1) = 0) Then
blnItemPresent = True micPass "The Item '" & arrItemsToSearch(intItems) & "' should be present in the dropdown box", "The specified Item exists in the dropdown box", "PASS")
Exit For
End If
If (Not blnItemPresent) Then micFail , "The Item '" & arrItemsToSearch(intItems) & "' should be present in the dropdown box", "The specified Item does not exist in the dropdown box", "WARNING")
fnVerifyDropDownItems = False
End If
End Function

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