Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Getting dynamic text from the webpage by using text output value function

Step 1: Open google and type as site: QTP
Step 2: Click search button
Step 3: get a searched result
Step 4: see below google search bar we can view no of results displayed like 1000 or 2000
Step 5: now we can capture that no of values only
Step 6: now just change as test instead of QTP
Step 7: Click search button
Step 8: get a searched result
Step 9: now we can get someother result like 3000 or 4000
Step 10: Stop recording
Step 11: Go to active screen and select the value what we want to get and right click that
Step 12: just click text output value ,screen will open
Step 13: Make some changes in that window
Step 14: click ok
Step 15: again run the script

Browser("Google").Page("Google").WebEdit("q").Set "site: QTP"
Browser("Google").Page("Google").WebButton("Google Search").Click
Browser("Google").Page("Google").Output CheckPoint("ResCount_2")
msgbox Datatable.Value("count")

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