Test plan template may vary company to company based upon their application and testing process. Here i mentioned the common template which is used by Multi national companies.
Project Name
Test Plan
Document Change History
Version Number Date Contributor Description
V1.0 12.04.2011 Perinbarajan.I What changes like additions and
deletions were made for this version
Table of Contents
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 In Scope
1.1.2 Out of Scope
1.2 Quality Objective
1.2.1 Primary Objective
1.2.2 Secondary Objective
1.3 Roles and Responsibilities
1.3.1 Developer
1.3.2 Adopter
1.3.3 Testing Process Management Team
1.4 Assumptions for Test Execution
1.5 Constraints for Test Execution
1.6 Definitions
2.Test Methodology
2.1 Purpose
2.1.1 Overview
2.1.2 Usability Testing
2.1.3 Unit Testing (Multiple)
2.1.4 Iteration/Regression Testing
2.1.5 Final release Testing
2.1.6 Testing completeness Criteria
2.2 Test Levels
2.2.1 Build Tests
2.2.2 Milestone Tests
2.2.3 Release Tests
2.3 Bug Regression
2.4 Bug Triage
2.5 Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements
2.6 Test Completeness
2.6.1 Standard Conditions:
2.6.2 Bug Reporting & Triage Conditions:
3.Test Deliverables
3.1 Deliverables Matrix
3.2 Documents
3.2.1 Test Approach Document
3.2.2 Test Plan
3.2.3 Test Schedule
3.2.4 Test Specifications
3.2.5 Requirements Traceability Matrix
3.3 Defect Tracking & Debugging
3.3.1 Testing Workflow
3.3.2 Defect reporting using G FORGE
3.4 Reports
3.4.1 Testing status reports
3.4.2 Phase Completion Reports
3.4.3 Test Final Report - Sign-Off
3.5 Responsibility Matrix
4.Resource & Environment Needs
4.1 Testing Tools
4.1.1 Tracking Tools
4.2 Test Environment
4.2.1 Hardware
4.2.2 Software
4.3 Bug Severity and Priority Definition
4.3.1 Severity List
4.3.2 Priority List
4.4 Bug Reporting